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Little Sister

From: Lexi
Date: 06 Nov 2000
Time: 20:02:25
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I have known Karen and therefore Wendy since I was in the 7th grade at Hockaday. I'm an only child and watching Karen and Wendy together made me want to have a sister more than anything. Karen was so kind to Wendy, letting her play with us, including her in our games and sleepovers. Some of my fondest memories are all of the times I hung out at the Soltero's pool having splash wars and diving contests, eating good food and enjoying great company. Another memory is when I went with the Soltero's to the Chicago/Beach Boys concert. I was sitting between Karen and Wendy and I remember Karen was embarrased that her parents were there singing along with the bands. Then Wendy and I began to sing and dance and basically look stupid to get Karen to laugh and join in the fun. She eventually did and we all had a great time. The only pictures I have of Wendy remind me of another fun evening at the Soltero's. It was New Year's Eve 1990 or maybe it was 1991 and Karen and Wendy each invited 2 friends over to spend the night. I had my camera and Karen's mom was out of film so I became the photographer for the evening. My favorite picture that I took of Wendy that evening was a picture of her and her friends throwing confetti in the air at midnight, while blowing those obnoxious New Year's horns. Wendy had the greatest smile and she seemed especially happy when Karen included her in our activities. She will be missed.

Last changed: January 25, 2007