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From: Jennifer Wilmeth - Hock '96
Date: 10 Nov 2000
Time: 11:27:21
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I hadn’t spoken to Wendy since graduation from Hockaday, but I always remembered her so fondly. Her smile, her wisdom, her talent, and her amazing spirit told me Wendy was going to be a big success in whatever path she took. I remember entering Hockaday as a freshman and meeting Wendy. Whether she was drumming, photographing, composing music or pulling pranks, Wendy was enjoying every minute of life. Without Wendy, the class of 1996 would have been entirely different. An active part of our class, whether she was designing “Monster” bulletin boards or composing songs for our graduation, Wendy was the kind of person that everyone stopped and listened to when she spoke. I admired her strength to do something out of the ordinary and her unconditional love for everything – people, music, art, laughter… I was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of someone so beautiful and talented, someone who touched every life that crossed her path. She made everyone smile, love and laugh, including me. She was an inspiration to everyone around her, and the memories I have with Wendy will always put a smile on my face. love jennifer wilmeth

Last changed: January 25, 2007