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Origins of a Monster

From: Elaynamonster
Date: 28 Jan 2001
Time: 16:21:51
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It occurred to me on this rainy day that many of you may not know exactly why Wendy is a self-described, "monster". Monsters are an interesting breed and very difficult to find in the world. Wendy and I discovered that we were monsters one day in Physical Science class in the 8th grade. I think our teacher had left the room for a bit, and instead of sitting quietly and looking over our studies Wendy and I were drawing pictures of each other in our notebooks. Finally, on one cartoonish picture of me, Wendy added a growling face and some other "monsterlike" features and declared it to be the definitive portrait of Elaynamonster. I retaliated by drawing one of her, and so she became Wendymonster. From this day forward, we defined and delighted ourselves in what we decided was the superior class of people: the monsters. Some people were just monsters; some weren't. You could usually tell instantly, and it was always something that only Wendy and I understood. Even later, when we were in college, she could use the phrase, "I met this boy, and I think he may be a monster", and I would know exactly what he was like. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. There still are not nearly enough monsters in the world.

Last changed: January 25, 2007