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From: Carrie
Date: 28 Feb 2001
Time: 23:43:28
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That is such a good question Josh. It's one that I have, in some form or fashion, been thinking about. FIrst, she would have flown home immediately (this is my death, not yours), given a terribly emotional yet extremely funny speech at my funeral. I like picturing that part. She's up in the pulpit telling funny stories, maybe singing some song and playing her guitar, and snot is completely running down her face, and she wipes it off with her sleeve, because she is messy. She is sad, and she makes no excuses for it. She weeps and wails and gnashes her teeth. She writes songs about me, maybe some poems. She tells her friends about me. SHe brings our mutual friends together to comfort them; maybe she has a big party with lots of nudity. She is very dramatic about the whole thing, maybe even skips some classes to go off and have a good time in my honor. But then... as you said, being a woman of action, she does something about it. Maybe she starts some sort of anti-handgun coalition and has rallies with celebrities. She works with high-risk children, she writes a book, she starts a movement that spreads across the country. Hell, i don't know. She never ever forgets me. Some of these are just the things that I would like to do. I went to an Ash Wednesday service tonight, and that was kind of hard. It was hard hearing about returning to dust. I can't wait until Easter when we can talk about resurrection. I don't know if I have ever talked about this here but... When I was in seminary, I got the chance to meet an incredibly esteemed theologian, Jurgen Moltmann. He talks about the "Theology of Hope", the afterlife and all of that. I asked him, what if we think the afterlife is there just because we want it to be? He said, what would be so wrong with the universe living up to our hopes and expectations? What would be so wrong with finding out that our deepest longings are not ignored, but instead are answered? before that moment, I was hesitant to really believe in an afterlife. I was afraid that I'd be betraying my intelligence by believing in such a thing. I don't think so now. I know Wendy still is, somewhere. I can't wait to be with her too.

Last changed: January 25, 2007